Sino-German International Research Training Group "Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources" (AMAIZE-P, DFG 328017493/GRK 2366) |
Bright spots in agriculture - learning from today's role models for a sustainable future (BRIGHT-Futures) |
German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects on Food Security (CLIFOOD) |
Fitness consequences of biotic interactions and their role for eco-evolutionary biodiversity dynamics: towards theory-based synthesis across interaction types (FLINT) |
Potenziale von Agroforst- und Agri-PV-Systemen für die Maximierung von Humusaufbau und Kohlenstoffspeicherung auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen (HUMAX) |
Koordinationsstelle Agroforstsystem-Forschung (kAFo) |
Land‐Atmosphäre Feedback Observatorium (LAFO) |
Effects of ley composition on cereal grain quality/ potential of cultivar choice to improve mixture composition and heat stress tolerance (LegumeLegacy) |
The Potential and limitations of the resilience concept and other system theoretic approaches for the anticipation of uncertainty in nature conservation and forest management (reSyst) |
Review of internationally proposed critical levels for ammonia (June 2019 - February 2023), Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Dessau. |
Synergetic integration of photovoltaics in agriculture as a contribution to a successful energy transition - networking and support for the market ramp-up of agrivoltaics in Germany (SynAgri-PV) |