
Sino-German International Research Training Group "Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources"  (AMAIZE-P, DFG 328017493/GRK 2366)
Bright spots in agriculture - learning from today's role models for a sustainable future (BRIGHT-Futures)
German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects on Food Security (CLIFOOD)
Fitness consequences of biotic interactions and their role for eco-evolutionary biodiversity dynamics: towards theory-based synthesis across interaction types (FLINT)
Potenziale von Agroforst- und Agri-PV-Systemen für die Maximierung von Humusaufbau und Kohlenstoffspeicherung auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen (HUMAX)
Koordinationsstelle Agroforstsystem-Forschung (kAFo)

Land‐Atmosphäre Feedback Observatorium (LAFO)

Effects of ley composition on cereal grain quality/ potential of cultivar choice to improve mixture composition and heat stress tolerance (LegumeLegacy)
The Potential and limitations of the resilience concept and other system theoretic approaches for the anticipation of uncertainty in nature conservation and forest management (reSyst)
Review of internationally proposed critical levels for ammonia (June 2019 - February 2023),  Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Dessau.
Synergetic integration of photovoltaics in agriculture as a contribution to a successful energy transition - networking and support for the market ramp-up of agrivoltaics in Germany (SynAgri-PV)