Integrated DFG Project "Regional Climate Change": Yield and quality of crops for food and feed as affected by regional climate change
- Status
- completed
- Project begin
- 01.07.2008
- Project end
- 31.12.2011
- Sponsor mark
- DFG: FA 504/2-1 & PAK 346
- Project-Homepage
- Keywords
- Ertragsbildung, Futterqualität, Klimaänderung, klimarelevante Gase, landwirtschaftliche Produktivität, Raps, Weizen
Climate change comprises both global alterations of climate factors, such as atmospheric CO2 enrichment, and regional alterations of temperature, precipitation, wind as well as their averages and seasonal and even daily patterns. Numerous studies have been performed on potential climate change effects on yield of crops. However, little attention has been paid to potential effects on the chemical quality of crops with respect to their use as raw products for food and feed, and there are hardly any data on the interactions between climatic conditions such as CO2 enrichment and altered temperature regimes on yield quality. The project aims at providing new experimental data on crop yield and yield quality from real world simulations of future climate scenarios. The experimental approaches will involve crop growth (i) in a CO2 and climate chamber system under strictly controlled conditions, (ii) in a mini-FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) system in the field with ambient and predicted future CO2 concentrations, and (iii) field investigations in the study regions Kraichgau and Mittlere Schwäbische Alb under current ambient conditions. Data will be provided for all other groups of the Integrated Project in order to develop and validate new generic crop growth models to predict yield and yield quality under future regional climate change conditions.
This project is part of the Integrated DFG Project "Structure and Functions of Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change - Processes and Projections on a Regional Scale".
Involved persons
Involved institutions
Publications in the course of the project
Pest and disease abundance and dynamics in wheat and oilseed rape as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations
2013: Oehme, V., Högy, P., Franzaring, J., Zebitz, C.P.W., Fangmeier, A.
Grain quality characteristics of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) as affected by free-air CO2 enrichment
2013: Högy, P., Brunnbauer, M., Koehler, P., Schwadorf, K., Breuer, J., Franzaring, J., Zhunusbayeva, D., Fangmeier, A.
Modeling acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to atmospheric CO2 enrichment
2013: Biernath, C.J., Bittner, S., Klein, C., Gayler, S., Hentschel, R., Hoffmann, P., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., Priesack, E.
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on phloem sap composition of spring crops and aphid performance
2013: Oehme, V., Högy, P., Zebitz, C.P.W., Fangmeier, A.
Evaluating the ability of four crop models to predict different environmental impacts on spring wheat grown in open-top chambers
2011: Biernath, C.J., Gayler, S., Bittner, S., Klein, C., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., Priesack, E.
Comparison of Noah simulations with Eddy covariance and soil water measurements at a winter wheat stand
2011: Ingwersen, J., Steffens, K., Högy, P., Warrach-Sagi, K., Wizemann, H.-D., Zhunusbayeva, D., Poltoradnev, M., Gäbler, R., Fangmeier, A., Wulfmeyer, V., Streck, T.
Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment on energy traits and seed quality of oilseed rape
2010: Högy, P., Franzaring, J., Schwadorf, K., Breuer, J., Schütze, W., Fangmeier, A.
Responses of canopy and soil climate in a six year free-air CO2 enrichment study with spring crops
2010: Franzaring, J., Högy, P., Erbs, M., Fangmeier, A.
Entwicklung eines Pflanzenwachstumsmodells zur Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der Klimaänderung auf die Qualität von agrarischen Kulturpflanzenarten
2009: Biernath, C., Gayler, S., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., Priesack, E.