
Global Change Issues (3202-421)

The aim of the module is to give a solid understanding of global change including global climate change, its impacts on species and ecosystems and ecological services, and the consequences for human society. This module has a natural science focus but covers societal and economic aspects of global change including mitigation and adaptation strategies as well as current approaches in international treaties.
The module consists of a lecture (Introduction to Global Change, 2 SWS), a seminar (Emerging Topics in Global Change Research, 1 SWS) and a practical part (Experiments on Global Change, 1 SWS).

Plant Ecology (3202-441)

The module aims to provide a solid understanding on evolutionary, physiological and ecological strategies of plants growing under varying environments.

Plant Ecology of Cultural Landscapes

Agrarbiologisches Projekt (3202-260)

Institutsübergreifendes Projekt mit Beteiligung des Institutes Landschafts- und Pflanzenökologie und Institut für Botanik. Vegetation und Wasserhaushalt werden in Skalen übergreifend behandelt: von der Ökophysiologie des Wasserhaushalts der Einzelpflanze bis hin zur Vegetation in der Landschaft in Abhängigkeit vom Wasserhaushalt.

Project in Landscape Ecology and Methods in Landscape and Plant Ecology (3201-421)

An ecological research project that enables students to acquire sound knowledge of state-of-the art methods used in landscape ecology and plant ecology.